Upcoming Events
More about the Sequoia Yacht Club
Find out more about us, become a member and join us for upcoming Events. Drop-In Dinners are a great opportunity to meet friends, catch up with club events and activities or see SYC in action.
Thinking of cruising with your club to Sequoia? We welcome visiting clubs. Please see our Cruise-in Flyer for information and suggested dates.
About Us
Sequoia Yacht club is located 22 miles south of San Francisco, 12.5 miles south of San Francisco Airport in the heart of the California Silicon Valley. SYC is to be found on the shore of the Redwood City Marina; other marinas close by include Bair Island Marina and the new Westpoint Marina. SYC is a proud member of the US Sailing and is a training facility affiliate of the American Sailing Association and the Yacht Racing Association of San Francisco Bay.
We have an active cruising fleet, both small and large boat racing, and an award-winning junior sailing program. The Club's diverse group of members, pleasant atmosphere and wide variety of social event contribute to its reputation as "the friendliest club in the bay".
Service & Facilities